Monday, April 18, 2011

My first Information Night

i am SO glad that i had annette and some friends over today - i learned more and it was so interesting hearing things again, and listening from a 'newcomer's' perspective. i realized tonight how much i'm replacing with this product - no more daily vitamins for any of us, no more dozens of supplements for this and that. . . i'm no longer burdened with freezing feet and hands - i don't even know when that happened, and didn't realize it was much of a problem. it was milo who pointed that out - my feet don't freeze him out at night anymore! so, so interesting. . . still waiting for my face to get better, though!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My New Reliv Discoveries

vivien - since the beginning of the school year - has been having a hard time focusing on her work. she's good in class, but she almost never finishes her tasks. renee (her kindergarten teacher) has talked to her tons about it, as have we. renee began writing the minutes it took vivie to complete her work (as far as she got, anyway) on her papers and send them home. it was always right, meticulously neat, but just not all finished. *anyway*. 2 fridays ago, renee called me to tell me that vivien had been finishing her work during the given time for the past few days. . . and then she called me LAST friday to tell me that she's now one of the first to finish her work - and it's still very neat and correct. renee asked me what we were doing differently b/c she could see a big difference in vivs. *WOW*!!!! honestly, there's so much going on at home, that i hadn't up until then noticed that she really was doing better there, too - better bedtimes, better listening, less defiance and whatever. and the ONLY thing different is her taking a shake a day! annette kept telling me how it does wonders for mental clarity and focusing - how there are studies about how much it helps people with add/adhd - and while vivs wasn't that severe, it's really showing that she's improving! and then ella - she's pooping every day!!! i know that sounds ridiculous - but this is a *miracle*. she's used to taking all of these vitamin pills to help her be regular - and she still wasn't. sugar would also make that worse for her - and i've been SO lenient about the sugar lately. . . she even was taking prescription diuretics for a while, for pete's sake. she has never - since she was about 3 years old - had a bowel movement *every day* that wasn't painful or forced (me sitting her there with her ds or a book and telling her she can't get off until she goes.) she's going BY HERSELF, EVERY SINGLE DAY. and she told me yesterday that it doesn't hurt anymore. bowel movements have hurt her since she could talk!!!! again - we're not doing anything different with her except for one shake a day!!! as for madison and lillian - i haven't seen anything that's caught my attention yet as a result, but i'm more excited now about it, and definitely continuing on - hopefully i'll start to see my face improve at some point!