Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We've got a WINNER!

my face is not good right now. i told annette that and she said 'that's great!! isn't that what my friend told you? that it has to get worse before it gets better!'. hmmmm. how i hope that's true. i am seeing a few things that i'm thinking are attributed to the reliv. i'm sleeping *great*. like, really good. even on days that i'm afraid i'm not going to fall asleep for whatever reason, it still only takes me a short while. and more often than not, i fall asleep within minutes. MINUTES. that's completely unheard of for me. i don't even take a book to bed with me anymore. that's hardly happened in **years**. i'm waking up a little easier, too. not much, sadly, but i stay awake after my alarm and just lie there, instead of fully falling asleep between the alarm and 'snooze'. . . something else - while my mouth is still swollen, and actually, my teeth on my right side have really been bothering me, i've been able to eat salad *EVERY DAY* for almost a week. this is another thing that's huge, as salad is one of the hardest things for me to eat - if my teeth touch all the way while chewing, i'd be in so much pain, since lettuce is so thin that i'd inadvertently bite all the way down. . . i often try a salad, only to give it to milo b/c i just can't stand the pain. every *single* time we ate this weekend, i got a salad. and enjoyed every single one of them until they were gone. *SIGH*. lovely. last thing - i'm pretty much over my middle of the day-wish i could take a nap- thing. (however, by 7:30, i'm done!!!) normally, when it's time to get the girls from school, i'm exhausted, so this is definitely an improvement - i'm sure due at least in part by my sleeping better! but my face, not good. and my weight - sucky!! i'll be asking annette tomorrow if i could be gaining weight from reliv since i'm taking so much of it every day. if that's the case - that's stinky!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I want results faster!!!

i told annette yesterday that i'd promised myself to do all i could with reliv until the end of march, but that i was disappointed that i hadn't seen enough results for me to be convinced it was helping. she is encouraging me to start my 3 full months from when i started taking the 4 shakes a day instead of the original 1. . . so that would put me into the beg. of may. part of me feels like i don't want to give up on something just before it works - like if i could just see the big picture and how crazy would it be to stop taking something that in just one more week it would have broken into whatever barrier my body's got going on, you know???? anyway - at this point i'm going to the end of march, but i think i see the reasoning of going longer. . . she's forwarded me a couple of emails about people that it took a long time to get results - here's one, just so that you know what i'm talking about:

Hilary, here is one message that was sent to me. Do not give up!!!! I got home way too late to get you on a 3 way call and am running to my meeting. Talk to you tomorrow
Lots of love,
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 10:40 AM
Subject: [SPAM] [RelivDistributors] Long time results

Yes,Yes sometimes it does take a long time to see results. You have to be patient, perservere and be commited to becoming better health wise. I suffered from debitating MS [multiple sclerosis] and my quality of life was not worth a plug nickle. I started taking the basic 3 as directed on the cans for the first week then felt strongly that I needed more so gradually over the next week I increased it to 6 double shakes a day, one every 2 1/2 hours plus plenty of water. Nothing and I mean, NOTHING happened, in fact I got worse. It took 3 months and 1 week before I made a break through. And then over the next 6 weeks absolute miracles happened. I have had NO symptoms of MS. 6 1/2 years and counting. My complete story can be heard on recorded calls 24/7
1712-775-7299 pin 319321# [2nd story]`
and on 1218-339-4699 pin 103465# Encourage your people with everthing your have got to keep taking the product...some will take longer but it is sooooooo worth it. I HAVE A LIFE TODAY BECAUSE OF RELIV. Judy